Herb Snips

Herb Snips

Do you have a garden tool you could not live without?
I use these little Herb snips for more than just tending the Herbs.
They are the perfect tool to deadhead the flowers.
When tying up the tomatoes or other plants on the wild side, they are handy to tuck into the top of the twine roll.
I stocked my little Etsy garden store with a few more of these little snips.

5 thoughts on “Herb Snips

  1. Oh yes, Plumdirt is so on the money with that one. I can’t take much sun in the eyes it seems. Mr B says it’s like living with a bat in a cave. I’m always turning of lights. Cute little snips though and so you! A vintage flair and practical too, I’d say that’s the perfect garden tool.

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